Title: | Tools for Writing MCMC |
Description: | Simplifies MCMC setup by automatically looping through sampling functions and saving the results. Reduces the memory footprint of running MCMC and saves samples to disk as the chain runs. Allows samples from the chain to be analyzed while the MCMC is still running. Provides functions for commonly performed operations such as calculating Metropolis acceptance ratios and creating adaptive Metropolis samplers. References: Roberts and Rosenthal (2009) <doi:10.1198/jcgs.2009.06134>. |
Authors: | Kurtis Shuler [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Kurtis Shuler <[email protected]> |
License: | LGPL-3 |
Version: | 0.4-0 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 04:44:37 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/kurtis-s/overture |
is a utility function to determine if a proposal should
be accepted in a Metropolis or Metropolis-Hastings step.
AcceptProp(log.curr, log.prop, log.curr.to.prop = 0, log.prop.to.curr = 0)
AcceptProp(log.curr, log.prop, log.curr.to.prop = 0, log.prop.to.curr = 0)
log.curr |
log density of the target at the current value,
log.prop |
log density of the target at the proposed value,
log.curr.to.prop |
log of transition distribution from current value to
proposed value, |
log.prop.to.curr |
log of transition distribution from proposed value to
current value, |
The function uses the Metropolis choice for a Metropolis/Metropolis-Hastings
sampler, which accepts a proposed value with probability
where is the
target distribution and
is the proposal distribution.
for whether the proposal should be accepted or
rejected, respectively
# Sample from triangular distribution P(x) = -2x + 2 ---------------------- # Target distribution LogP <- function(x) { log(-2*x + 2) } # Generate proposals using Beta(1/2, 1/2) shape1 <- 1/2 shape2 <- 1/2 RProp <- function() { # Draw proposal rbeta(1, shape1, shape2) } DLogProp <- function(x) { # Log density of proposal distribution dbeta(x, shape1, shape2, log=TRUE) } SampleX <- function(x) { # Draw once from the target distribution x.prop <- RProp() if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop), DLogProp(x.prop), DLogProp(x))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } # Draw from the target distribution n.samples <- 10000 samples <- vector(length=n.samples) x <- 0.5 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.samples) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- SampleX(x) }) # Plot the results hist(samples$x, freq=FALSE, ylim=c(0, 2.5), xlim=c(0, 1), xlab="x") grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out=500) lines(grid, exp(LogP(grid)), col="blue") legend("topright", legend="True density", lty=1, col="blue", cex=0.75)
# Sample from triangular distribution P(x) = -2x + 2 ---------------------- # Target distribution LogP <- function(x) { log(-2*x + 2) } # Generate proposals using Beta(1/2, 1/2) shape1 <- 1/2 shape2 <- 1/2 RProp <- function() { # Draw proposal rbeta(1, shape1, shape2) } DLogProp <- function(x) { # Log density of proposal distribution dbeta(x, shape1, shape2, log=TRUE) } SampleX <- function(x) { # Draw once from the target distribution x.prop <- RProp() if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop), DLogProp(x.prop), DLogProp(x))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } # Draw from the target distribution n.samples <- 10000 samples <- vector(length=n.samples) x <- 0.5 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.samples) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- SampleX(x) }) # Plot the results hist(samples$x, freq=FALSE, ylim=c(0, 2.5), xlim=c(0, 1), xlab="x") grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out=500) lines(grid, exp(LogP(grid)), col="blue") legend("topright", legend="True density", lty=1, col="blue", cex=0.75)
Given a non-adaptive sampler of the form f(..., s), Amwg
will return a
function g(...) that automatically adapts the Metropolis proposal standard
deviation s to try and achieve a target acceptance rate.
Amwg(f, s, batch.size = 50, target = 0.44, DeltaN, stop.after = NA)
Amwg(f, s, batch.size = 50, target = 0.44, DeltaN, stop.after = NA)
f |
non-adaptive Metropolis sampler of the form f(..., s) |
s |
initial value for the Metropolis proposal SD |
batch.size |
number of iterations before proposal SD is adapted |
target |
target acceptance rate |
DeltaN |
function of the form f(n) which returns the adaptation amount
based on the number of elapsed iterations, n. Defaults to |
stop.after |
stop adapting proposal SD after this many iterations |
uses the Adaptive Metropolis-Within-Gibbs algorithm from Roberts
& Rosenthal (2009), which re-scales the proposal standard deviation after a
fixed number of MCMC iterations have elapsed. The goal of the algorithm is
to achieve a target acceptance rate for the Metropolis step. After the
nth batch of MCMC iterations the log of the proposal standard
deviation, , is increased/decreased by
is increased by
if the observed acceptance rate
is more than the target acceptance rate, or decreased by
the observed acceptance rate is less than the target acceptance rate.
keeps track of the the acceptance rate by comparing the
previously sampled value from f
to the next value. If the two values
are equal, the proposal is considered to be rejected, whereas if the two
values are different the proposal is considered accepted. Amwg
optionally stop adapting the proposal standard deviation after
iterations. Setting stop.after
can be used, for
example, to stop adapting the proposal standard deviation after some burn-in
period. If stop.after=NA
(the default), Amwg
will continue to
modify the proposal standard deviation throughout the entire MCMC.
is set to unless
re-specified in the function call. Some care should be taken if re-specifying
, as the ergodicity of the chain may not be preserved if certain
conditions aren't met. See Roberts & Rosenthal (2009) in the references for
The proposal standard deviation s
can be either a vector or a scalar.
If the initial value of s
is a scalar, will be treated as a
sampler for a scalar, a random vector, or a joint parameter update.
Alternatively, if the dimension of
is equal to the dimension of the
parameters returned by
, the individual elements
will be
treated as individual proposal standard deviations for the elements returned
. This functionality can be used, for example, if
each of its returned elements individually, updating each element using a
Metropolis step. See the examples for an illustration of this use case. In
such settings,
should be constructed to receive
as a vector
Adaptive Metropolis sampler function of the form g(...).
Gareth O. Roberts & Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2009) Examples of Adaptive MCMC, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18:2, 349-367, doi:10.1198/jcgs.2009.06134
# Sample from N(1, 2^2) --------------------------------------------------- LogP <- function(x) dnorm(x, 1, 2, log=TRUE) # Target distribution f <- function(x, s) { # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler x.prop <- x + rnorm(1, 0, s) if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } s.start <- 0.1 g <- Amwg(f, s.start, batch.size=25) n.save <- 10000 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.save) y <- 0 x <- 0 samples <- Mcmc({ y <- f(y, s.start) # Non-adaptive x <- g(x) # Adaptive }) plot(1:n.save, samples$x, ylim=c(-10, 10), main="Traceplots", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Value", type='l') lines(1:n.save, samples$y, col="red") legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Adaptive", "Non-adaptive"), col=c("black", "red"), lty=1, cex=0.8) # Sample from Gamma(10, 5) ------------------------------------------------ LogP <- function(x) dgamma(x, 10, 5, log=TRUE) # Target distribution f <- function(x, s) { # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler x.prop <- x + rnorm(1, 0, s) if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } s.start <- 10 stop.after <- 5000 # Stop changing the proposal SD after 5000 iterations g <- Amwg(f, s.start, batch.size=25, stop.after=stop.after) n.save <- 10000 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.save) x <- 1 samples <- Mcmc({ x <- g(x) }) hist(samples$x[stop.after:n.save,], xlab="x", main="Gamma(10, 5)", freq=FALSE) curve(dgamma(x, 10, 5), from=0, to=max(samples$x), add=TRUE, col="blue") # Overdispersed Poisson --------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## y_i|theta_i ~ Pois(theta_i), i=1,...,n ## Prior: ## theta_i ~ Log-Normal(mu, sigma^2) ## mu ~ Normal(m, v^2), m and v^2 fixed ## sigma^2 ~ InverseGamma(a, b), a and b fixed SampleSigma2 <- function(theta.vec, mu, a, b, n.obs) { 1/rgamma(1, a + n.obs/2, b + (1/2)*sum((log(theta.vec) - mu)^2)) } SampleMu <- function(theta.vec, sigma.2, m, v.2, n.obs) { mu.var <- (1/v.2 + n.obs/sigma.2)^(-1) mu.mean <- (m/v.2 + sum(log(theta.vec))/sigma.2) * mu.var return(rnorm(1, mu.mean, sqrt(mu.var))) } LogDTheta <- function(theta, mu, sigma.2, y) { dlnorm(theta, mu, sqrt(sigma.2), log=TRUE) + dpois(y, theta, log=TRUE) } # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler SampleTheta <- function(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec, n.obs, s) { theta.prop <- exp(log(theta.vec) + rnorm(n.obs, 0, s)) # Jacobians, because proposals are made on the log scale j.curr <- log(theta.vec) j.prop <- log(theta.prop) log.curr <- LogDTheta(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec) + j.curr log.prop <- LogDTheta(theta.prop, mu, sigma.2, y.vec) + j.prop theta.vec <- ifelse(AcceptProp(log.curr, log.prop), theta.prop, theta.vec) return(theta.vec) } ## Data y.vec <- warpbreaks$breaks n.obs <- length(y.vec) ## Setup adaptive Metropolis sampler s <- rep(1, n.obs) # s is a vector, so the acceptance rate of each component will be tracked # individually in the adaptive Metropolis sampler SampleThetaAdapative <- Amwg(SampleTheta, s) ## Set prior v.2 <- 0.05 m <- log(30) - v.2/2 a <- 1 b <- 2 ## Initialize parameters theta.vec <- y.vec mu <- m ## MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(10000) samples <- Mcmc({ sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2(theta.vec, mu, a, b, n.obs) mu <- SampleMu(theta.vec, sigma.2, m, v.2, n.obs) theta.vec <- SampleThetaAdapative(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec, n.obs) })
# Sample from N(1, 2^2) --------------------------------------------------- LogP <- function(x) dnorm(x, 1, 2, log=TRUE) # Target distribution f <- function(x, s) { # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler x.prop <- x + rnorm(1, 0, s) if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } s.start <- 0.1 g <- Amwg(f, s.start, batch.size=25) n.save <- 10000 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.save) y <- 0 x <- 0 samples <- Mcmc({ y <- f(y, s.start) # Non-adaptive x <- g(x) # Adaptive }) plot(1:n.save, samples$x, ylim=c(-10, 10), main="Traceplots", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Value", type='l') lines(1:n.save, samples$y, col="red") legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Adaptive", "Non-adaptive"), col=c("black", "red"), lty=1, cex=0.8) # Sample from Gamma(10, 5) ------------------------------------------------ LogP <- function(x) dgamma(x, 10, 5, log=TRUE) # Target distribution f <- function(x, s) { # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler x.prop <- x + rnorm(1, 0, s) if(AcceptProp(LogP(x), LogP(x.prop))) { x <- x.prop } return(x) } s.start <- 10 stop.after <- 5000 # Stop changing the proposal SD after 5000 iterations g <- Amwg(f, s.start, batch.size=25, stop.after=stop.after) n.save <- 10000 Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.save) x <- 1 samples <- Mcmc({ x <- g(x) }) hist(samples$x[stop.after:n.save,], xlab="x", main="Gamma(10, 5)", freq=FALSE) curve(dgamma(x, 10, 5), from=0, to=max(samples$x), add=TRUE, col="blue") # Overdispersed Poisson --------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## y_i|theta_i ~ Pois(theta_i), i=1,...,n ## Prior: ## theta_i ~ Log-Normal(mu, sigma^2) ## mu ~ Normal(m, v^2), m and v^2 fixed ## sigma^2 ~ InverseGamma(a, b), a and b fixed SampleSigma2 <- function(theta.vec, mu, a, b, n.obs) { 1/rgamma(1, a + n.obs/2, b + (1/2)*sum((log(theta.vec) - mu)^2)) } SampleMu <- function(theta.vec, sigma.2, m, v.2, n.obs) { mu.var <- (1/v.2 + n.obs/sigma.2)^(-1) mu.mean <- (m/v.2 + sum(log(theta.vec))/sigma.2) * mu.var return(rnorm(1, mu.mean, sqrt(mu.var))) } LogDTheta <- function(theta, mu, sigma.2, y) { dlnorm(theta, mu, sqrt(sigma.2), log=TRUE) + dpois(y, theta, log=TRUE) } # Non-adaptive Metropolis sampler SampleTheta <- function(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec, n.obs, s) { theta.prop <- exp(log(theta.vec) + rnorm(n.obs, 0, s)) # Jacobians, because proposals are made on the log scale j.curr <- log(theta.vec) j.prop <- log(theta.prop) log.curr <- LogDTheta(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec) + j.curr log.prop <- LogDTheta(theta.prop, mu, sigma.2, y.vec) + j.prop theta.vec <- ifelse(AcceptProp(log.curr, log.prop), theta.prop, theta.vec) return(theta.vec) } ## Data y.vec <- warpbreaks$breaks n.obs <- length(y.vec) ## Setup adaptive Metropolis sampler s <- rep(1, n.obs) # s is a vector, so the acceptance rate of each component will be tracked # individually in the adaptive Metropolis sampler SampleThetaAdapative <- Amwg(SampleTheta, s) ## Set prior v.2 <- 0.05 m <- log(30) - v.2/2 a <- 1 b <- 2 ## Initialize parameters theta.vec <- y.vec mu <- m ## MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(10000) samples <- Mcmc({ sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2(theta.vec, mu, a, b, n.obs) mu <- SampleMu(theta.vec, sigma.2, m, v.2, n.obs) theta.vec <- SampleThetaAdapative(theta.vec, mu, sigma.2, y.vec, n.obs) })
Eliminates much of the "boilerplate" code needed for MCMC implementations by looping through the samplers and saving the resulting draws automatically.
InitMcmc(n.save, backing.path = NA, thin = 1, exclude = NULL, overwrite = FALSE)
InitMcmc(n.save, backing.path = NA, thin = 1, exclude = NULL, overwrite = FALSE)
n.save |
number of samples to take. If |
backing.path |
thin |
thinning interval |
exclude |
character vector specifying variables that should not be saved |
overwrite |
TRUE/FALSE indicating whether previous MCMC results should be overwritten |
returns a function that takes an R expression. The returned
function automatically loops through the R expression and saves any numeric
assignments, typically MCMC samples, that are made within it. exclude
specifies assignments that should not be saved. When exclude
, all the numeric assignments (scalar, vector, matrix, or array)
are saved. The dimensions of matrix and array assignments are not preserved;
they are flattened into vectors before saving. Non-numeric assignments are
not saved.
The number of iterations for the MCMC chain is determined by n.save
and thin
. The desired number of samples to be saved from the target
distribution is set by n.save
, and the chain is thinned according to
the interval set by thin
. The MCMC chain will run for n.save
The MCMC samples can be saved either in-memory or on-disk. Unlike saving
in-memory, saving on-disk is not constrained by available RAM. Saving
on-disk can be used in high-dimensional settings where running multiple MCMC
chains in parallel and saving the results in-memory would use up all
available RAM. File-backed saving uses big.matrix
, and the
behaviors of that implementation apply when saving on-disk. In particular,
has call-by-reference rather than call-by-value
behavior, so care must be taken not to introduce unintended side-effects when
modifying these objects. In-memory saving is implemented via
and has standard R behavior.
When backing.path
is NA
, samples will be saved in-memory. To
save samples on-disk, backing.path
should specify the path to the
directory where the MCMC samples should be saved. The
s will be saved in that directory,
with filenames corresponding to the variable assignment names made in the R
expression. Consequently, the assignment names in the R expression must be
chosen in such a way that they are compatible as filenames on the operating
system. The big.matrix
s are also named
according to the variable assignment names made in the R expression, but with
a ".desc" suffix.
By default, InitMcmc
will not overwrite the results from a previous
file-backed MCMC. This behavior can be overridden by specifying
in InitMcmc
, or as the second argument to the
function returned by InitMcmc
. See the examples for an illustration.
is ignored for in-memory MCMC.
A function that returns a list of either matrix
with the MCMC samples. Each row in the matrices
corresponds to one sample from the MCMC chain.
# Beta-binomial ----------------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## x|theta ~ Binomial(n, theta) ## Prior: ## theta ~ Unif(0, 1) theta.truth <- 0.75 n.obs <- 100 x <- rbinom(1, n.obs, prob=theta.truth) # Sampling function SampleTheta <- function() { rbeta(1, 1 + x, 1 + n.obs - x) } # MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000) samples <- Mcmc({ theta <- SampleTheta() }) # Plot posterior distribution hist(samples$theta, freq=FALSE, main="Posterior", xlab=expression(theta)) theta.grid <- seq(min(samples$theta), max(samples$theta), length.out=500) lines(theta.grid, dbeta(theta.grid, 1 + x, 1 + n.obs - x), col="blue") abline(v=theta.truth, col="red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Analytic posterior", "Simulation truth"), lty=1, col=c("blue", "red"), cex=0.75) # Estimating mean with unknown variance ----------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## x|mu, sigma^2 ~ N(mu, sigma^2) ## Prior: ## p(mu) \propto 1 ## p(sigma^2) \propto 1/sigma^2 # Simulated data mu.truth <- 10 sigma.2.truth <- 2 n.obs <- 100 x <- rnorm(n.obs, mu.truth, sqrt(sigma.2.truth)) x.bar <- mean(x) # Sampling functions SampleMu <- function(sigma.2) { rnorm(1, x.bar, sqrt(sigma.2/n.obs)) } SampleSigma2 <- function(mu) { 1/rgamma(1, n.obs/2, (1/2)*sum((x-mu)^2)) } # MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, thin=10, exclude="sigma.2") sigma.2 <- 1 # Initialize parameter samples <- Mcmc({ mu <- SampleMu(sigma.2) sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2(mu) }) # Plot posterior distribution hist(samples$mu, xlab=expression(mu), main="Posterior") abline(v=mu.truth, col="red") legend("topleft", legend="Simulation truth", lty=1, col="red", cex=0.75) # sigma.2 is excluded from saved samples is.null(samples$sigma.2) # Linear regression ------------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## y|beta, sigma^2, x ~ N(x %*% beta, sigma^2 * I) ## Prior: ## p(beta, sigma^2|x) \propto 1/sigma^2 # Simulated data n.obs <- 100 x <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.obs, ncol=3) x[,1] <- 1 x[,2] <- rnorm(n.obs) x[,3] <- x[,2] + rnorm(n.obs) beta.truth <- c(1, 2, 3) sigma.2.truth <- 5 y <- rnorm(n.obs, x %*% beta.truth, sqrt(sigma.2.truth)) # Calculations for drawing beta l.mod <- lm(y ~ x - 1) beta.hat <- l.mod$coefficients xtx.inv <- summary(l.mod)$cov.unscaled xtx.inv.chol <- chol(xtx.inv) # Calculations for drawing sigma.2 a.sigma.2 <- (n.obs - length(beta.hat))/2 b.sigma.2 <- (1/2) * t(y - x %*% beta.hat) %*% (y - x %*% beta.hat) # Draw from multivariate normal Rmvn <- function(mu, sigma.chol) { d <- length(mu) c(mu + t(sigma.chol) %*% rnorm(d)) } SampleBeta <- function(sigma.2) { Rmvn(beta.hat, xtx.inv.chol * sqrt(sigma.2)) } SampleSigma2 <- function() { 1/rgamma(1, a.sigma.2, b.sigma.2) } # MCMC, samples saved on-disk backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2() beta <- SampleBeta(sigma.2) }) # Plot residuals using predictions made from the posterior mean of beta y.hat <- x %*% colMeans(samples$beta[,]) plot(y.hat, y-y.hat, xlab="Predicted", ylab="Residual") abline(h=0, col="red") # Overwrite previous results ---------------------------------------------- ### Overwrite specified in InitMcmc backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(5, backing.path=backing.path, overwrite=TRUE) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 1 }) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 2 }) samples$x[,] ### Overwrite specified in the function returned by InitMcmc backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(5, backing.path=backing.path, overwrite=FALSE) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 3 }) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 4 }, overwrite=TRUE) samples$x[,]
# Beta-binomial ----------------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## x|theta ~ Binomial(n, theta) ## Prior: ## theta ~ Unif(0, 1) theta.truth <- 0.75 n.obs <- 100 x <- rbinom(1, n.obs, prob=theta.truth) # Sampling function SampleTheta <- function() { rbeta(1, 1 + x, 1 + n.obs - x) } # MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000) samples <- Mcmc({ theta <- SampleTheta() }) # Plot posterior distribution hist(samples$theta, freq=FALSE, main="Posterior", xlab=expression(theta)) theta.grid <- seq(min(samples$theta), max(samples$theta), length.out=500) lines(theta.grid, dbeta(theta.grid, 1 + x, 1 + n.obs - x), col="blue") abline(v=theta.truth, col="red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Analytic posterior", "Simulation truth"), lty=1, col=c("blue", "red"), cex=0.75) # Estimating mean with unknown variance ----------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## x|mu, sigma^2 ~ N(mu, sigma^2) ## Prior: ## p(mu) \propto 1 ## p(sigma^2) \propto 1/sigma^2 # Simulated data mu.truth <- 10 sigma.2.truth <- 2 n.obs <- 100 x <- rnorm(n.obs, mu.truth, sqrt(sigma.2.truth)) x.bar <- mean(x) # Sampling functions SampleMu <- function(sigma.2) { rnorm(1, x.bar, sqrt(sigma.2/n.obs)) } SampleSigma2 <- function(mu) { 1/rgamma(1, n.obs/2, (1/2)*sum((x-mu)^2)) } # MCMC Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, thin=10, exclude="sigma.2") sigma.2 <- 1 # Initialize parameter samples <- Mcmc({ mu <- SampleMu(sigma.2) sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2(mu) }) # Plot posterior distribution hist(samples$mu, xlab=expression(mu), main="Posterior") abline(v=mu.truth, col="red") legend("topleft", legend="Simulation truth", lty=1, col="red", cex=0.75) # sigma.2 is excluded from saved samples is.null(samples$sigma.2) # Linear regression ------------------------------------------------------- ## Likelihood: ## y|beta, sigma^2, x ~ N(x %*% beta, sigma^2 * I) ## Prior: ## p(beta, sigma^2|x) \propto 1/sigma^2 # Simulated data n.obs <- 100 x <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.obs, ncol=3) x[,1] <- 1 x[,2] <- rnorm(n.obs) x[,3] <- x[,2] + rnorm(n.obs) beta.truth <- c(1, 2, 3) sigma.2.truth <- 5 y <- rnorm(n.obs, x %*% beta.truth, sqrt(sigma.2.truth)) # Calculations for drawing beta l.mod <- lm(y ~ x - 1) beta.hat <- l.mod$coefficients xtx.inv <- summary(l.mod)$cov.unscaled xtx.inv.chol <- chol(xtx.inv) # Calculations for drawing sigma.2 a.sigma.2 <- (n.obs - length(beta.hat))/2 b.sigma.2 <- (1/2) * t(y - x %*% beta.hat) %*% (y - x %*% beta.hat) # Draw from multivariate normal Rmvn <- function(mu, sigma.chol) { d <- length(mu) c(mu + t(sigma.chol) %*% rnorm(d)) } SampleBeta <- function(sigma.2) { Rmvn(beta.hat, xtx.inv.chol * sqrt(sigma.2)) } SampleSigma2 <- function() { 1/rgamma(1, a.sigma.2, b.sigma.2) } # MCMC, samples saved on-disk backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ sigma.2 <- SampleSigma2() beta <- SampleBeta(sigma.2) }) # Plot residuals using predictions made from the posterior mean of beta y.hat <- x %*% colMeans(samples$beta[,]) plot(y.hat, y-y.hat, xlab="Predicted", ylab="Residual") abline(h=0, col="red") # Overwrite previous results ---------------------------------------------- ### Overwrite specified in InitMcmc backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(5, backing.path=backing.path, overwrite=TRUE) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 1 }) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 2 }) samples$x[,] ### Overwrite specified in the function returned by InitMcmc backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(5, backing.path=backing.path, overwrite=FALSE) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 3 }) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- 4 }, overwrite=TRUE) samples$x[,]
loads the samples from a file-backed MCMC run initiated by
. The result is a list of big.matrix
with all
of the parameters that were saved in the MCMC run. Alternatively, the
samples for individual parameters can be loaded by using
to load the corresponding descriptor
file, "ParameterName.desc," in the MCMC's backing.path
backing.path |
directory path where MCMC samples were saved |
list of big.matrix
with the MCMC samples
, Peek
# Run a file-backed MCMC backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- rnorm(1) }) rm(samples) # Load the saved samples loaded.samples <- LoadMcmc(backing.path) hist(loaded.samples$x[,], main="Samples", xlab="x")
# Run a file-backed MCMC backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- rnorm(1) }) rm(samples) # Load the saved samples loaded.samples <- LoadMcmc(backing.path) hist(loaded.samples$x[,], main="Samples", xlab="x")
allows the samples from a file-backed MCMC to be loaded in
another R session while the MCMC is still in progress. By using Peek
the chain's convergence can be monitored before the MCMC chain has finished
backing.path |
directory path of an in-progress MCMC |
list of big.matrix with samples from the partial MCMC run
, LoadMcmc
SampleSomething <- function() { Sys.sleep(0.1) rnorm(1) } backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) print(backing.path) SlowMcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) SlowMcmc({ x <- SampleSomething() }) ### In another R process, while the MCMC is still running... samples.so.far <- Peek(backing.path) samples.so.far$x[,]
SampleSomething <- function() { Sys.sleep(0.1) rnorm(1) } backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) print(backing.path) SlowMcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) SlowMcmc({ x <- SampleSomething() }) ### In another R process, while the MCMC is still running... samples.so.far <- Peek(backing.path) samples.so.far$x[,]
will finish a file-backed MCMC that was interrupted. To resume
an MCMC run, specify the MCMC's backing path and the sampling will continue
from the last completed sample in the chain. Note, however, that the random
number generator state from when the MCMC was interrupted is not
restored, so the resulting chain my not be reproducible, even if a seed was
specified before the sampling was interrupted.
backing.path |
directory path where the (partially completed) MCMC samples were saved |
A list of either matrix
or big.matrix
with the MCMC samples. Each row in the matrices corresponds to one sample
from the MCMC chain.
# Setup the MCMC n.iter <- 5 SampleX <- function(x) x + 1 backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) x <- 0 interrupt.mcmc <- TRUE Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.iter, backing.path=backing.path) # Interrupt the MCMC during the third iteration try({ samps <- Mcmc({ x <- SampleX(x) if(x==3 && interrupt.mcmc) break }) }, silent=TRUE) # The sampling is incomplete samps <- LoadMcmc(backing.path) samps$x[,] rm(samps) # Resume the MCMC interrupt.mcmc <- FALSE samps <- Resume(backing.path) # All samples are available samps$x[,]
# Setup the MCMC n.iter <- 5 SampleX <- function(x) x + 1 backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) x <- 0 interrupt.mcmc <- TRUE Mcmc <- InitMcmc(n.iter, backing.path=backing.path) # Interrupt the MCMC during the third iteration try({ samps <- Mcmc({ x <- SampleX(x) if(x==3 && interrupt.mcmc) break }) }, silent=TRUE) # The sampling is incomplete samps <- LoadMcmc(backing.path) samps$x[,] rm(samps) # Resume the MCMC interrupt.mcmc <- FALSE samps <- Resume(backing.path) # All samples are available samps$x[,]
is a convenience method to load the samples from a
file-backed MCMC run into memory. Given a list of big.matrix
objects, it will convert them to standard R matrix objects.
samples |
list of |
list of R matrix
# Run a file-backed MCMC backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- rnorm(1) y <- rnorm(2) }) # Convert to standard in-memory R matrices samples.in.memory <- ToMemory(samples) is.matrix(samples.in.memory$x) is.matrix(samples.in.memory$y) bigmemory::is.big.matrix(samples.in.memory$x) bigmemory::is.big.matrix(samples.in.memory$y)
# Run a file-backed MCMC backing.path <- tempfile() dir.create(backing.path) Mcmc <- InitMcmc(1000, backing.path=backing.path) samples <- Mcmc({ x <- rnorm(1) y <- rnorm(2) }) # Convert to standard in-memory R matrices samples.in.memory <- ToMemory(samples) is.matrix(samples.in.memory$x) is.matrix(samples.in.memory$y) bigmemory::is.big.matrix(samples.in.memory$x) bigmemory::is.big.matrix(samples.in.memory$y)